
Positive disintegration
Positive disintegration

positive disintegration

This web page was created in 1995 to help provide this information and to fulfill my commitment to Dr.

positive disintegration

theses and introduced the theory to a large audience, an audience eager to learn more about Dabrowski and his theory. Although a small part of the overall theory, the application to the gifted area has generated a number of Master’s and Ph.D. Many in education and in gifted education have looked to Dabrowski’s theory to help provide a context for their student’s intense experiences. Piechowski emphasizes overexcitability and largely disregards the other aspects of the theory including positive disintegration and the role of psychoneurosis. This demand has largely evolved in the United States where Michael Piechowski applied his vision of the theory to gifted education. Since 1980, there has been a small but consistent demand for Dabrowski’s works. Kazimierz Dabrowski MD, PhD. 1902 – 1980, Poland Introduction Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission. The material on this site is protected by the provisions of the Copyright Act, by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. I do know that the stage of development prescribed as optimal (normal) in current American psychology, is only the beginning step to becoming fully human in his theory. He is evidently little known in the west.

positive disintegration

NOTE: I don’t know Kazimierez Dabrowski and have only read through this introduction recently. American psychology is a perfect reflection of the society it conforms to claiming to be a science but inherently religious pretending to be a profession, but lacking controls on who may practice and profit claiming to care and fix, while exploiting the marketplace of narcissism without conscience. It’s upside down: those who are gifted, talented, out-of-the-box individuals, or anyone with novel ideas, or those who simply are raised in other cultures, are labeled as developmentally disordered, retarded, having defective brains, and exhibiting pathologic behavior. Anyone who has read my blog knows my views on American psychology: uninspired and uninspiring, Puritanical, intellectually dilute, mechanical and neotenous in its conception of normal, average, or typical development as the highest possible aspiration of all humans.

Positive disintegration